Holistic Health Coach

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Help, Teach, Advise, Support, Guide and Encourage in all aspects of Health of Whole Person:

  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Exercises
  • Healthy Life Style
  • Weight & Hunger Control and Food Cravings  Eliminating
  • Detox Protocol
  • Healthy Eating and Healthy Juicing Plan
  • Healthy Skin Care Recommendations
  • Planetary Whole Herbs in Physiological and Emotional Healing- Western Herbal Medicine Treatmnet
  • Mental Health- Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior
  • GAPS Diet/Nutrition Protocol
  • Emotional Freedom Therapy
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Psychology of Health and Diseases
  • Psychology of Human Relations/ Family Relations and Health
  • Healing Power of Forgiveness and Positive, Loving Change
  • Psychology of Soul. Holistic approach to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the whole person. To truly heal, we need to look at the interconnection of all the parts in the whole- the physical, emotional and mental bodies and the enlivening presence of the soul.
  • Promotion of physical, emotional and spiritual health, personal preventative medicine- skills and knowledge
  • Health Coach views health as a positive state, not as the absence of disease, and emphasis the uniqueness of the individual and the importance of health coaching to meet each person’s needs.
  • A Health Coach view that inherent in the holistic view of humanity is the perception of an integration centre, a spiritual core, a source of Life and Love. Healing can be brought about by integrating the experiences of daily existence with the inner core of our lives

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Irina Popov worked as Holistic Health Coach, Medical Herbalist and GAPS Diet/Nutrition Practitioner with elite athletes, members of Australian and Russian Olympic teams in Greco- Roman Wrestling- Champions of Russia, Australia, Oceania, Europe, Champion of World, Bronze Olympic Medalist, and  Champion of Commonwealth Games 2012.

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Holistic Health Coach Melbourne

Irina Popov- Specialist in Holistic Health Coaching based in Melbourne – find out today how we can help you! Send a quick enquiry or book a consultation.

  1. New Way Health Care
    530 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 (Exchange Tower), level 7, office No 714
    ph. 0428-949-049
  2. Oak Park Medical Centre
    109 Snell Grove, Oak Park, VIC, 3046
    ph. (03) 9306- 6742

Connect with us on Facebook

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